Page 13 - Veransys Catalogue ENG_compressed
P. 13
Whether manual or automatic
Operating Options
You can control the Easy Roof bioclimatic system manually using the opening handle or
automatically via pushbutton or remote control.
Insulated Panels
Insulation filling material can be applied inside the double-layer panels of
the system. This optional feature makes the system suitable for all climatic
Multiple Modulation
The system features an ambiance lighting
Multiple adjacent systems can be connected system with LED technology. You can customize
to each other with a minimal pillar and beam the lighting according to your preference. Adjust
structure, providing a spacious appearance both lighting colors with RGB LEDs to match your
on the roof and within the space. In systems mood, or control brightness and light levels using
with more than one module, 50% fewer pillars a dimmer. The choice is entirely yours.
and beams are visible.
Technical Details Descriptions
Pillar Height Max. 2800 mm
Assembly Options Width (W) Max. 3500 mm
Openning (L) 3000 mm | 4000 mm | 6000 mm ( Standard dimensions)*
Panel Options Insulated | Without Insulation
Insulation Option Polyurethane Foam | Styrofoam
Movement Options Axial ( Automatic ve Manuel )
Lighting Sun Light | RGB Led
Linear Actuator Bibus IP68 (100% Waterproof)
Assembly Options Wall Mounted | Free Standing | Up-Hanging
Slope 0 o
* For special dimensions please contact with headquarter’s office